Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Secretary of State of His Holiness
Very early on, at least at the end of the first millennium, the Supreme Pontiffs instituted orders of knighthood for the defence and development of the Faith. To these orders, they lavished, as Pope Benedict XIV wrote so well in 1746 in the Brief Apostolicam Proedecessorum, "the greatest benefits, privileges, indults and concessions of favours".
Excerpt from the preface of the book

Orders and decorations of the Holy See
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The Legion of Honour's education houses
The houses of education, careful to preserve the values that inspired their creation by Napoleon in 1805, trained generations of young girls, providing them with both instruction and education. This original and unique institution has constantly adapted to the changes in society and has thus maintained its exceptional reputation to this day. This abundantly documented and richly illustrated book is the first comprehensive inventory of the insignia of office, medals, awards and documents that have ever existed, putting them into context.
Insignia & Dress of French Military Chaplains since 1852
From Sevastopol to the trenches of the First War, in London in 1940, from Indochina to Afghanistan, on the seas or in the air, the chaplain, who has neither rank nor rank, is at the side of all those who await the help of their religion, whatever it may be. In ecclesiastical dress or in uniform, his insignia of worship and function are the only distinctive marks of his mission. For the first time, with supporting regulatory texts since 1852, they are listed, identified and illustrated for each army and each religion. The rigour of the authors' work and the richness of the iconography make this book a tool for the memory of religious heritage, but also and above all a formidable reference work for all lovers of military history and symbolism.
A certain idea of France ... and of the world, Charles de Gaulle through his decorations...
Orders and decorations are double mirrors reflecting the history of men and their time. Almost all the French and foreign orders and decorations received by Charles de Gaulle during his life, exhibited at the Museum of the Order of the Liberation, bear witness to this. The liberator of the territory, the founder of the Fifth Republic, was decorated both as an officer in a military capacity and as Head of State. For the first time, this exceptional ensemble is the subject of a scientific study based on the examination of French and foreign archives and involving French and international historians and specialists in phaleristics.
The Legion of Honour, an exceptional heritage
The National Order of the Legion of Honour is the highest French distinction. It honours eminent services rendered to the Nation by both civilians and military personnel since 1802. This order, rich in past, present and future greatness, is also rich in an exceptional heritage. Whether it is the Palace of Salm located in the heart of the capital, the Château d'Écouen, the House of Lodges or the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis, all these buildings are part of the history of France. This exceptional architectural heritage is home to the Grand Chancery of the Legion of Honour, the Museum of the Legion of Honour and the Orders of Chivalry, the National Museum of the Renaissance and the Legion of Honour educational establishments. Eight renowned authors make us rediscover them, helped by a rich iconography.