Cholera Epidemic Service Award Medal
A cholera epidemic that started in India in 1817 hit all of Europe between 1823 and 1838. The church states were severely affected in 1835 and 1836. A medal for services rendered during this epidemic was created in 1837. In silver, 37 mm in diameter, it represents on the obverse the left face of Pope Gregory XVI, surrounded by the legend "GREGORIUS. GREGORIUS. XVI. BRIDGE. MAX. A VII." On the reverse side there is the inscription "SOLATORI AEGROTORUM ANNO MDCCCXXXVII" inside a crown of two oak branches connected at the bottom by a large knot. The name of the beneficiary is engraved in a circle on the outside of the wreath. According to the design reproduced in Giacchieri, the ribbon would be three equal stripes white, black, white. The copy in the Spada collection has a ribbon conforming to another description, that of Heyden, that is, black and white with alternating black and white edging. Bronze medals have been observed; these are considered to be striking events.